
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

10 months ago...

I became a mommy. On Sunday, how appropriate, Andie turned 10 months old. I can't believe she's almost 1 year! I don't like the thought of that for some reason. I love my baby. I am terribly excited about the summer coming up. I will get to spend some much needed time with her, and some much needed time by the pool. I hope she's a good pool baby! Of course I won't get to spend hours out by the pool like I once did. Now it will be interrupted by naps and lunch, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
School is almost out, Lord help me! One more week after this! It's a crazy time up there for everyone & I hope we can all get through this without going insane! :) I'll leave off with a couple of pics from the past month or so!
Oh yea, baby dedication is next Thursday for us. I am very excited! A chance for us to publicly declare that we will dedicate ourselves to raise Andie in the Truth. How awesome! We will do our best, with the Lord's help!
The next day is our 5 year anniversary! Five years ago, on the 21st, we said our vows in Mexico Beach, FL. I can't believe it's been 5 years, and my, how our lives have changed since then! I still love him! He's an awesome provider for our family, and has a heart of gold. Some aren't that lucky! But I am!

1 comment:

  1. She is just beautiful!!!!!! Hope we can hang by the pool some together this summer
