
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Off to the Pumpkin Patch...

So today I plan to take Andie to a pumpkin patch in the Jackson area & take some pics. Last night we went to Ichiban restaurant, and she LOVED it! All of the lights, & people. She couldn't get enough! So much stimulation! Anyway, I hope to have some pictures to post a little later on, plus I have some from the restaurant last night, so I will get those on too.
I am going to the Fair tonight, one last time until next year. I don't know if I want to start taking Andie, because I figure once we start it, we have to continue & it's so darn expensive!!!! I know, we don't HAVE to keep on taking her! I figure next year she will still be too young to remember going, so maybe we will. Andrew & I went last Monday by ourselves to eat at the "BEEF" tent, & I got something at the Whistle Stop place! That place is G-O-O-D! I tell ya'! One more go 'round tonight with the brother & his friend-girl.
Can I just say I LOVE the cooler weather! It tells me my birthday is getting closer! On another note, Friday was Andie's last day at the sitter's house! It was sad b/c I really liked her, BUT on the other hand I love the idea of my mom keeping her even more! She will be staying with her Nonnie starting Monday. I have such fond memories of staying at my Memaw's house until I was in the 5th grade, so I hope the same for Andie! I am so thankful she will be able to stay with mama! I know mama is excited too! This is the whole reason why we moved from Hattiesburg a year ago- we want our child(ren) to be as close to their grandparents as we were with ours! We cherish the time we spent with (in my case Memaw & Dadaddy, & Andrew's HeyHey & Mamaw). It will mean even more to us once they are all gone; now Andie will have what we had as children. How precious! Thank you God for our grandparents!!!! Thank you God for Andie's grandparents!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Canton Flea Market & a new milestone!

Her favorite chew toy- her fist

I think she has the shape of my eyes
Just chillin' on her play mat
The Flea Market Virgins
Some ladies & I went to the Canton Flea Market on Thursday for the first time, and we had a great time! It was SO much bigger than I thought it was! It was incredibly HOT, and I got sunburned. I don't know what I was thinking. I wore a tank top with no sunscreen, so I don't know why I thought I wouldn't get burned! I will call it "mommy brain". It didn't even cross my mind! My main concern was to stay cool that day. It was nice to have a day to myself with friends & my favorite thing to do: SHOP! (without being rushed!) Later that day, I had to go to a funeral service for my mom's oldest sister. All I will say about it is this: my aunt left behind lots of people that loved her, whether she saw that or not. I want my cousins to know that I am here for them if they need me.
On a more positive note, our baby girl hit a milestone Thursday, she turned 3 months old, on top of that, while Andrew & I were on a "date" that night, she rolled over from her back onto her tummy!! Her Nina & Poppa told us this, we didn't get to witness it! :( Anyway, she has also begun to laugh out loud at people, and I must say, it's the sweetest sound my ears have ever heard! I will also say, I think she is beginning to look a little like me.... Some might disagree, but you have to see baby pics of me to see it, which I have none of right now... I will post one if I can get my hands on one to scan it! I think she has the shape of my eyes and my ears. She has Andrew's eye color & his feet- too precious! She is growing so fast, I can't believe it's been 3 months since I gave birth to our sweet girl. I'm glad we're past that first month, but looking back on it, it wasn't too bad! We are SO lucky to have her in our lives! She was a miracle that we prayed God would grant us, and He did. If she is the only child we ever have, it would be okay. I am so lucky to be a mommy, & I don't take it for granted...ever. She is such a good baby, & we are so lucky!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Let's Try this Out!

The most recent pic of Andie- 2 wks ago
So here goes. I am starting this blog to keep friends & family updated on our family (mainly Andie). I hope to update at least once a week, but who knows how that will go with a new baby! Please feel free to leave comments! And if you know how to make this blog layout look better, please let me know!! I'm new at this, and I want it to look good! All I can say about this week is: Thank goodness it's over!